photo of Sue, Tulusa owner
  • i believe that we all have the ability to create
  • for me creativity comes from the gut but it grows from making. the more i make the more creative i become

  • i believe in making products that give people joy when they see them

  • i believe in an evolving style

  • i believe that great style can bridge the gap between people, & cultures

  • i believe that products should be made with the intention of having them handed down from one generation to the next

  • i believe in creating a business that is as close to zero waste as possible

  • i believe in the importance of deep friendship

  • i believe in being kind

  • i believe that success comes from 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration  

  • i believe in using beautiful materials 

  • i believe that experimentation is essential, sometimes it’s a home run and sometimes it’s a failure and that’s okay.

  • i believe that when i’m uncomfortable i’m growing

  • i believe that the gut knows, follow it